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机构名称Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg
联系电话(204) 787-3661
查找更多关于“Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg”的信息

More than 8,000 staff, physicians and volunteers care for patients. Highly-skilled interdisciplinary teams provide complex, specialist (“tertiary”) acute care, including diagnostic, outpatient and inpatient services to adults and children across Manitoba, north-western Ontario and Nunavut.

HSC is a Shared Health facility, and is Manitoba’s provincial tertiary centre for trauma, transplants, burns, neurosciences, complex cancer care and pediatric care. Every clinical hospital-based service available in the province is offered at HSC, with the exception of cardiac surgery and eye surgery. This means the majority of Manitobans’ tertiary care is provided here, regardless of which community our patients call home.

HSC is also a teaching hospital, formally affiliated with the University of Manitobaand other post-secondary institutions. Students learn from us at the bedside or in the lab, and many of our staff teach and conduct research at these institutions.



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地址:820 Sherbrook St, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9